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turismo in sicilia

Italy without Sicily leaves no image in the spirit. It is in Sicily that the key to everything [...]
The purity of the contours, the softness of everything, the yielding interchangeability of the colours, the harmonic unity of the sky with the sea and the sea with the earth… those who have seen them only once will possess them for a lifetime

(JWGoethe, “Journey to Italy” , 1817)

Vincenzo guida naturalistica

Who I am

I am an Environmental Hiking Guide, a member of the Italian Association Assoguide.

I am Vincenzo, and 20 years ago I began my adventure in the world of alternative tourism... but even before that, my passion led me to discover the pieces of a naturalistic and landscape mosaic praised by so many poets, travellers and writers... Sicily. What I hope each time I accompany travellers around the landscapes and environments of Sicily is to be able to transmit to them my information and my attachment to this land full of beauty and contradictions... but the more difficult it is to explain, the more fascinating it will be... you know.


My work is a daily journey into this continent of light and dreams. By leading different people for a day or more, I receive from them their emotions and life experiences. This builds up a symbiosis of information, which is a source of pleasure and joy for me and for the traveller.

I am therefore a guide... but also a traveller, a tourist, a curious person always looking for the surprise... Sicily.

My philosophy is the pleasure of walking in nature as a priority need for our body and mind, to discover ourselves and see landscapes with different eyes. And so hiking, walking, photography, food, tours, become a whole called Sicilybynature... Sicily Naturally.


My proposals are: Hikings of different levels, Nature Itineraries within Sicilian Regional Parks and Nature Reserves, Birdwatching, Taste Itineraries, Excursions for Schools, Photographic Tours, Transfer Services, Multi-day Tour Proposals, Nature Walks. Sicilybynature! Sicily Naturally...

escursioni sull'etna

 Sicily is the key to everything

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