This dual proposal is located in an area of south-eastern Sicily that is very interesting from a geological and archaeological point of view.
We straddle the territories of Calatino and the western hybleian mountains.
The Loddiero Valley is located in the territory of Militello in Val Di Catania. Its geological peculiarities show us an alternation of volcanic and sedimentary rocks, referable to a time span of about 2 million years. The path starts from the suggestive historical centre of the town of Militello, and then continues into the valley of the same name, offering us spectacular views of lava pillows, and extensive fossil coral structures.
This is followed by a visit and a walking inside the geological-archaeological site of Rocchicella -Palikè. This place evokes great emotions, as it is located in an area of particular interest also from a landscape point of view. We are in the reign of the Sicilian leader Ducezio, the city was founded on the hill overlooking lake Naftia, at the edge of which a sacred temple dedicated to the Palici brothers was later built by the Greeks.
'At the end of a day spent in nature we will definitely be better off'

Technical Sheet
Length both routes: Loddiero Valley 5 km; Palikè Site 1 km.
Level: Easy.
Clothing: Hiking shoes,, rucksack, walking sticks, water, windjacket, a spare t-shirt.